The Y.O. Ranch Resort and Conference Center 11/20/2010

Hello fellow Thunderbirdnesters. This week’s edition of Texas Thunder 2011 takes us to the beautiful Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel and Conference Center. This resort is hosting Texas Thunder 2011 in May 2011. The hotel offers many amenities such spacious guest rooms, a swimming pool with a swim-up bar, a large conference center, the Branding Iron Restaurant, exotic game trophies and western décor, and a richly decorated bar.

As this blogmeister has stated in previous blogs, the state of Texas is full of history and remarkable people that made this the great state it is today. As a nod to Texas history, the committee selected the Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel and Conference Center to host our venue because this hotel, the Kerrville community, and the surrounding Hill Country are a terrific representation of what it means to be a part of Texas.

In the 1880’s the land that the Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel and Conference Center now sits on belonged to a cattle baron by the name of Charles Schriener. The Y.O. Ranch was a 600,000 acre cattle ranch in the Texas Hill Country. The Y.O. Ranch still exists today and operates as a Texas Longhorn and exotic game ranch.

Hotel Bar

Pool area with swim-up bar
After much research, this blogmeister discovered that the hotel is allegedly haunted. Now I know what you just did…you reread the last sentence and your mouth fell open. Yes, I said the hotel is “allegedly” haunted. In the book Supernatural Texas a Field Guide, The author states, “Staff and guests alike report seeing the apparitions of cowboys sauntering through its courtyard at 3 am near the swimming pool.” First of all I’d like to say how exciting it will be to hang out with my fellow thunderbirdnesters. I’m going to go one step farther and state how exciting it will be to hang out with my fellow thunderbirdnesters and cowboy ghosts! Now the author doesn’t mention the bar isn’t far from the entrance to the pool area. In fact, all you have to do to get to the pool area is to walk out of the bar, walk through the lobby, and tada…there you are walking around the pool area and courtyard to get to your room. I am wondering if guests also report seeing flying pigs, purple spotted elephants, and alien visitations. Hmmm….I leave it up to you fellow thunderbirdnesters, if you run into the ghost of a cowboy, be sure to get a picture! Maybe he will even pose next to your thunderbird. Now that will be something to behold.


(I feel confident in claiming that a prize will go to the thunderbirdnester that has the best cowboy ghost picture taken while staying at the Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel and Conference Center.)